
The Joy of Learning – Burford

Tweet Tip 91 – The joy of learning Burford is the quintessential Cotswold town that often comes out in surveys as being one of the desirable places to live in the UK. It has an idyllic setting with the town gently rising uphill from the banks of the River Windrush with lovely shops to explore and many hidden treasures to stumble upon. It was the wool of the Cotswolds that brought the town its... read more

Enjoy your own company – Burford Lodge

Tweet Tip 21 – Enjoy Your Own Company Sheep Street in Burford is a pure delight. Away from the tourist filled high street it offers an amazing array of architectural styles in a quaint, unspoilt backwater. With the Tourist Information office located within the entrance of an old brewery, the impossibly lovely Bay Tree Hotel, and the timeless Lamb Inn it is the perfect way to spend a few moments just... read more

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